Friday, February 5, 2010

Do As The Romans Do

A movie with Josh Duhamel?
Sign me up for that one.

Not only is this luscious hunk of love in the new movie, "When in Rome," his costar, Kristen Bell, is outfitted in some pretty cute little outfits. Case in point? This work appropriate, professional, pulled together look--one part menswear, one part 'let me get Josh Duhamel to fall in love with me.'

Ohhh, to be in love in the movies.

Fergie-Ferg, you are one LUCKY lady.

Go see "When in Rome" for yourself, in theatres everywhere. The storyline may be a little predictable, but hey, most chick flicks are. No matter what you think of the plot, you can check out Kristin's wardrobe, get some style inspiration, and most importantly, get all hot & bothered by Josh Duhamel's sexy ass.

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