I also had an issue with two people having that many children as a publicity stunt. First off, I can understand girls who use, say, Playboy, as a stepping stone to an acting gig. But reality TV with 8 kids? What were you hoping to accomplish through your invitro? Exploiting your kids to get famous or wealthy has to top my pet peeves list. I feel as though they should be friends with Joe Jackson. Kate may be able to get a referral for a new plastic surgeon from the Jackson clan.
As you can see, I am not a big Jon Gosselin supporter, and Kate isn't any better in my eyes. Honestly, I don't care that Jon has moved on to a 22 year old; hell, if I was married to Kate for a day, I'd date a 22 year old, too. What I do, however, have a problem with, is that because of his children, he is now getting all these opportunities with designers like Christian Audigier, (of Ed Hardy fame) and starting a clothing line, partying in clubs with the young weed smoking child he's shacking up with, and wearing far too much hair gel in his 'do.
So, today on Chelsea Lately, she mentioned how he was seen trotting around NYC buying $950 shoes for himself. Clearly, to quote Drake, "the money ain't the issue," but all I kept thinking was, $950? Seriously? For a pair of men's shoes?
Two quick observations:
a.) Jon Gosselin is secretly gay.
(As few straight men run around town buying $950 shoes just for kicks.)
b.) Jon. Dude...take that $950 & hook Kate up with a new haircut.
She looks like a parakeet. Hateful bitch or not, she's still your baby mama.

P.S.--Just a little style/beauty advice: since you are now dating girls who should be your children's babysitter, you should probably give up the smokes, doll. You've already got decades on her, you can't afford to get more premature wrinkles.
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