Over the past month, I've realized that I need to quit being a stubborn ass.
Sometimes, certain things just don't work for me, and yet I have a hard time parting ways and admitting to myself that something's just not right.
No matter what the tell tale signs are, or how many times I get frustrated, I end up running back to the culprit.
No, I'm not referring to a man in this blog.
But if the shoe fits, wear it, I guess.
Actually, I'd like to highlight my skin dilemma, because about a month ago, I quit using my MAC Studio Fix foundation. Two years of using that foundation, and I developed breakouts more than a teenage boy. It was frustrating to say the least, and I got to the point where I hesitated taking my makeup off in front of Mr. Big. After all, even Sarah Jessica Parker looked semi-decent in front of Mr. Big on SATC. And she was in her late thirties.
I was humiliated when I finally went to Sephora and was nearly in tears, begging my esthetician to give me a referral for a product that would clear up my skin.
"Lorraine, you have GOT to quit using MAC. It is the source of all your skin problems. And, you need a new skincare line. Try Philosophy."
Of course, I'm a sucker for cute labels and packaging. So switching over was easy. I loved the quotes (I'm such a quotes person, it's insane!) but I was skeptical what the line would really do for my face.
I could honestly endorse Philosophy for a living, and if Christina Carlino herself asked me to do an infomercial for her products, I'd not only do it free of charge, I would be her personal assistant for an entire month free of charge just to sing the praises of this amazing skin care line. It not only saved my skin, it gave me my confidence back.
Purity Cleanser takes off every trace of my makeup, which, now that I've left MAC Studio Fix in the dust, is not difficult to remove.
Sometimes, it's hard to leave behind the things we grow accustomed to, things we feel comfortable with or attached to. But the thing is, when there's something that's life-changing waiting around the bend, why hold on to whatever is just not working?
To buy Purity Cleanser for yourself, visit www.Philosophy.com, as well as your local Sephora, Macy's, or Nordstrom stores nearest you. My favorite Philosophy store happens to be located at Dana Park Village on Val Vista and Baseline in Mesa, Arizona. My girls at that location are knowledgeable, friendly, and always helpful.
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