Charlie Sheen? I am shaking my head right now in total disappointment. Although it really doesn't come as much of a surprise.
I feel sorry for Brooke, your wife, because she just had your babies and all, but I have to say a resounding 'I told you so' to the poor woman.
When you marry a guy who has a history of hiring as many prostitutes as Charlie's had, the red flags should have gone off three hundred thousand times before you walked down the aisle. Does it come as a huge shock that he's chasing you through the house with a steak knife?
I'm sure this douchebucket will get off the hook with a slap on the hands, and will not do any harsh time or pay fines he can't afford (since he, and his family, still have more money than God.) Knowing how I feel about domestic violence and abuse, I think everyone knows what I'm thinking.
Charlie, you want to pull out knives? You're lucky I'm not Brooke's sister.
Because right now? I've got two words for you, doll.
Lorena Bobbitt.
If I were you, I'd sleep with one eye open, and a hand over my crotch.
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