"You know that feeling you get, when you see a cute guy, and your heart sort of feels like warm butter, sliding down hot toast? Well, that's how I feel when I walk into a store." --Isla Fisher, Confessions of a Shopaholic
I am having a Confessions of a Shopaholic moment.
I am paying all of my bills, you know, those dreaded statements that come in the mail every month, the ones you secretly hope get lost in the shuffle of the US Postal Service, but still manage to wind up waiting for you in your mailbox?
I hate 'em.
And I hate myself for being such a compulsive shopper.
Shopaholics Anonymous is not enough for me.
Considering I write a blog about shopping, and am in love with all things fashion and beauty, I seriously don't see myself entering some sort of shopper's rehab. After all, rehab is for quitters. Amy Winehouse said that, didn't she?
Okay, maybe there's a sign I need help.
My new year's resolution?
To tone down the shopping, save money for more important things (like a down payment on a home of my own, or paying off massive student loans, or starting my own businesses) and escape the credit card circus. I went from the ringmaster of this circus to the freakin circus clown.
And though I have some pretty rockin' shoes, gorgeous handbags, and a collection of dresses and jeans that are enviable to those on the outside, something inside me knows, it's time to call it quits, and learn how to control my shopping addiction.
If Isla Fisher could do it in Confessions of a Shopaholic, I can, too.
But I refuse to auction off all of my clothes.
Unless, push comes to shove, of course.
Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
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