Lorraine’s Beauty Must-Have #1: Johnson & Johnson’s Baby Lotion (The Original is my FAVORITE) has always been my go-to lotion when I want my skin to feel sensational, soft, and silky. Since I suffer from horrible migraine headaches which are sometimes made more severe when I am exposed to scents that bother me, I have to use very light fragrances, if anything at all. Some days are worse than others, but the one lotion that never fails to make my skin glow is Johnson’s Baby Lotion. You can always find coupons in the Sunday paper that will save you up to $1.50 off the price of the lotion, which can sometimes bring the total cost down to $1.50. You can get a whole month or two worth of lotion for yourself, keep your skin looking gorgeous, and still smell beautiful while also sticking to your budget. While I consider this one of my beauty must-haves and one of my best kept secrets to baby soft skin, it is a tried and true industry favorite and something I think you should definitely add to your shopping cart, whether at Babies R Us, or your local Target store. Good skin is priceless, but thankfully, you only have to spend a couple bucks to get luscious, inviting skin from head to toe.
www.target.com for stores near you, and www.babiesrus.com to order online or find a store that’s closest to your home.
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