I love this website, so periodically, I will feature the ones that catch my eye the most. I am a hopeless romantic, and even though I'm a bit of a hard-ass at times, and even though the men I reject seem to think I am "bitter" or "cynical," I am actually quite optimistic when it comes to the topic of love, and considering I've been hurt so many times one would think I would be jaded by now, I still believe very much in happily-ever-after; even if it takes a form that you didn't initially plan on.
I love this website/blog because the thoughts and sentiments are so random, yet so genuine. They are all on strips of cardboard, messages scrawled in haste, but yet with such sincerity.
Enjoy this thought for the day, and whether you have someone or not, you can surely hope, like me, that someday, someone will feel the same way about you.
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