I have a love-hate relationship with so many things.
-Gladiator Sandals: on the one hand, they look so chic and now; one the other hand, I'm constantly worried I look like I have cankles.
-Brazilian Waxes: so many advantages, I can't even begin to list them; yet paying $80 to have a woman with a bizarre Swedish name spend time near my va-jay-jay with a large wooden stick resembling a tongue depressor with a large glob of hot wax on it isn't exactly a cake walk
-Most of the men that I meet: (do I even need to explain?)
-Bras: yes, like my Mom told me when I was 12 and would bitch about wearing a "grown up girl bra" my boobs have lived to thank me, they are still perky in all their splendor because I've bought the best (and sexiest) bras ever through the years; yet I often feel feminists of the 60's were sorely misunderstood because after a long, hot day, I want to rip mine off and throw it in a Long Island garbage can and light a match just like those bra-burning hippies of yesteryear.
-And finally, the biggest love-hate relationship of all:
However, I make an exception when I talk about Rachel Zoe Project. I love, love, love all things Rachel Zoe because my dream job in life is to be a fashion stylist. I absolutely adore fashion; I could shop all day long, I watch runway shows in awe and wonder; I read countless fashion blogs and look at photographs and read Elle and Vogue cover to cover like an archaeologist in a newfound tomb.
The new season is coming soon, and I couldn't be happier.
Rachel Zoe has styled the likes of Cameron Diaz, Anne Hathaway, and most famously, Nicole Richie, and she helped me when her book came out (Style A-Zoe) because I had just had a lumpectomy, and didn't know for sure if I had breast cancer. I was terrified to go through chemotherapy; the possibility left me petrified. I was afraid I'd lose my hair, which is one of my trademarks, and was afraid, most of all, that I'd lose my looks, something I had always, admittedly, had a love-hate relationship with, as well.
Her book made me want to get dressed everyday and go out into the world looking fabulous, and I will always feel indebted to Rachel for giving me that reason to get out of bed in the morning and never take my life for granted. It may seem silly to some that a book about fashion is what did it for me, but in this world, we take positive when we can get it, right? After all, the one thing I'll always love, and never hate? Fashion.
Watch the new season, coming up this September, on Bravo. Check the website for more information and for times in your area.
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