Sunday, November 15, 2009

LC's Better-Than-Sex List

So, my girlfriends & I have been discussing the drought we're experiencing lately.

And while we're all super concerned about H20, the environment, and all the same shit Al Gore worries about, too; we're more concerned about the MAN drought we're going through in our own wretched lives.

Even though we may have men in our lives, they're giving us dry spells.

Al Gore may not understand this.
Bill Clinton? Bill might. He is married to Hillary, after all.
I would imagine she withholds sex from him, too.
Which would explain the Lewinsky debaucle.

But I digress.

In an attempt to find suitable substitutes for the lack of lovin' we're all going through at the moment, I've compiled a list of options for things I would consider to be "Better Than Sex."

Numero Uno:
Sprinkles Cupcakes.
One bite= pure, unadulterated sugar fix, right in the heart of Scottsdale.
Put down that porn, and run out to Sprinkles, instead:
4501 N. Scottsdale Road, at Scottsdale and Camelback. Call 480-970-4321 for details.

Numero Dos:
Chambord Margaritas.
Found at: Z Tejas (my fave is the one off the I-10 & Ray Rd in Ahwautukee.)
Whoa, buddy. Let me tell you, when they give you a limit on how many you can drink--there is a reason.
Come to think of it, these might be better than sex, but if you drink past your limit, they might also LEAD to sex.
But hey, two birds, one stone, right?

Numero Tres:
Breakfast at TC Eggington's.
No doubt, one of my favorite guilty pleasures, right in the heart of Mesa, located on Alma School, just off the US 60. The staff is bright, friendly, personable, and although I don't think there's anything too sexy about the place, the food sure as hell IS sexy. My favorite is French Toast, which is an inch-thick slice of sweet cinnamon bread dipped in batter. Heaven on freakin' earth. or 480-345-9288 (for more information)

If there is a lover in your life, the surefire way to get them to end your drought is to show them this list of alternatives you've found. Perhaps they will find a way to satisfy your needs, end this pathetic drought (which, let's face it, isn't really good for ANYONE'S "environment") and take you out for quality meals, desserts, and drinks that will make anyone want to scream with pleasure.

Although the establishments? Might look down on that just a little.

Get your kicks where you can, friends, and check out the places that top LC'S Better-Than-Sex List Today.

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