Whitney, I'm loving the fact that you're branching out on your own and starting your own line...not only do I usually love what you're wearing (there have been the occassional slip-ups in your fashion history, but hey, we've all been there once or twice) but I also love that you're actually a nice girl. And you were on The Hills, and The City. Which seems like a virtual miracle, considering most of the girls on those shows? Are either crybabies, or bitches.
To check out Whit's new line for yourself, visit her website: www.whitneyeve.com, and also, keep an eye out at Nordstrom locations, because I spotted a few pieces from her collection at Nordie's the other day and actually loved them, which is surprising, since I usually don't like clothing made my celebs. Whitney, again, you beat the odds, girlfriend.
Now if only you would someday stand up to Kelly Cutrone, and bitch slap her across the face when she goes all PMS on everyone.
That? Would be amazing.
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