Over the weekend, the girls and I had my 2 year old nephew, Alex, at Sephora. Spending an entire day with him can make even the most aerobicized woman incredibly exhausted. Since Sephora was one of our final stops, Alex was, of course, in full swing; full of energy, while the rest of us were in need of triple espresso shots.
As I perused the aisles of our favorite makeup playground, I looked up to find my nephew, having the time of his life, trying every eyeshadow color imaginable on his face. He had a grin from ear to ear. And though I am sure his father, and other males in our family, would probably disapprove of us letting him sample makeup, part of me found it slightly comical, and maybe not so ironic, because the women in Alex's family are die-hard cosmetic junkies, and always falling in love with a new shade of eyeshadow; whatever is the latest and greatest hue of perfection.
One of the sections he overlooked, but I did not, was Nars. I've of course tried and purchased Nars products before, especially their bronzer and lipgloss, but one of the shadows that I could not leave the store without was their eyeshadow in a color called Strada. It not only works for day, because it can be blended into a lighter shade of gorgeousness on your eyelid, it can also be glammed up with a smoky eye for night, so it's perfect for your ladies nights out, too.
I highly doubt Alex will remember that humorous event in the middle of beauty heaven, where his mother and three of his aunties were searching for new products to take home in cute little shopping bags, nor will he find it funny when we tell his girlfriends in high school how he once loved applying makeup all over his face like a circus clown. In fifteen years, he will not only refuse to spend any time with us in Sephora or any other shopping destination, I'm sure, but he will only like looking at eyeshadow on the lids of the ladies he is dating. But we hang on to the memories that bring us joy; and at least for a shining moment, Alex shared one of our mutual loves: eyeshadow. And just like lipsticks, shoes, or compliments, a girl can never have enough.
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