While perusing the fashion blogs and several fashion magazines last night, I ran across this photo of Lo Bosworth at a Matt Leinart event. (You know, Matt? AKA, the future father of my children?) Lo's not my favorite, after she was pretty bitchy to Audrina over Justin Bobby on The Hills (AHH, that Justin Bobby, always stirring up drama!) but I do think she's a good friend to Lauren, and most of the time, she wears some cute things.
On that note, I saw this photo of Lo, and wanted to scream, "Bitch! You stole my skirt from 4th grade (as I am totally a child of the acid-wash jeans generation.) Looking back, I have no idea how I could wear a skirt that high waisted without complaining, because, funny enough, I adapted, as a college student several years ago, to the low-rise jeans trend that some of us loved (except on PMS days), and the girls with muffin tops hated. But, in some ways (after having seen too much of Paris Hilton's thong hanging out the back of her low-rise jeans) I think it's a breath of fresh air to be able to go back to the times of higher waistlines in skirts, at least.
The acid wash? I'm gonna have to get used to it once again, because although Lo looks super adorable in this pulled together outfit, it still reminds me of my brother bringing home his girlfriend to meet us for the first time in a matching acid wash skirt and acid wash denim jacket with huge curly hair lacquered in Aqua Net.
Feels like de ja vu to me.
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