Note to my blog readers/followers: this is the first posting for LC's Book of the Week Review; every week, I'll feature the book I've read for the week (yes, I keep Barnes & Noble's business afloat) and why I think you should read it, too. (No, I don't flatter myself to believe that I'm on par with Oprah's Book-of-the-Month club, but I still believe reading=knowledge=power, and on that happy note, here goes my first book review...just for you.)
Self-help books often get touted as being a bunch of fluff; I've heard so many of my friends say that they're just a ploy to make money and that only insecure people buy them. Incidentally, these are the same people who should probably spend more time in the self-help aisle. The truth is, all of us have our insecurities, and all of us are a work in progress. In LC's world, if you're not continually trying to improve yourself on one level or another, you're simply not living to your fullest potential.
I've always liked Lisa Rinna, ever since she played Billie on Days of Our Lives and had to live in the shadow of Bo's first wife and first love; I mean, hell, that can't be an easy task to undertake, especially because Bo's first wife was a real babe. Lisa played the part of Billie with sincerity and a realness that was very refreshing. In her new book, Rinnavation, Lisa approaches different topics with the same real, genuine attitude and personality.
Whether discussing topics about health and fitness, nutrition, skin care, hair care, fashion, how to start a business, sex, bedroom tips for spicing up your personal life, or parenting, she covers all her bases with charisma and by, simply put, keeping it real. This is a woman you'd love to be friends with, not only because she runs the super chic boutique Belle Gray in LA, but because she's the friend you'd go to for tips on just about any topic.
I loved the section on fitness, because for those of you who know me, fitness has always been something I've been into, but over the past year, it's become one of my passions and I always love learning about new methods or classes to take and ways to stay in shape. Lisa's book actually piqued my interest in strip aerobics classes, so I've been taking Pole Dancing classes at a fitness and dance studio in Tempe, and fell in love with dance all over again, thanks to Ms. Rinna's encouragement in the book. Some people may hate on the whole pole dancing movement; I say, don't hate, my future boyfriend sure won't be. ;)
They say you learn something new everyday, and I learned so much by reading this book, even things about myself that made me question my priorities and goals. It even prompted me to create a business plan for a new business, and make a list of things I want to accomplish soon. After all, what is life if we're not always moving forward, and, if necessary, "Rinna-vating" our lives, even if it starts by opening up a great book.
Buy Rinnavation by Lisa Rinna today at Barnes and Noble, Borders Books and Music, Changing Hands Books in Tempe, or online at www.amazon.com.
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