My entire life, I've dreamed of having 5 things:
1. A walk in closet
2. A star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
3. A beautiful home
4. A husband to take care of, cook for, come home to, and love
5. Babies...to rock to sleep, take care of, raise, and dress in beautiful outfits.
I've had walk in closets, and I know one day, I'll live in a lovely home. Eventually, I'll meet a man who will actually know he does not want to live without me, and he will put a ring on my finger & I'll say goodbye to being free & single LC and hello to being Mrs.________(Insert Last Name Here.) I may never have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, or maybe, maybe I will. But babies? That's a dream I'll never give up on...
And when I finally have little ones who have their Mom's sense of style, I hope I can trot around, holding my kids hands, in gorgeously chic dresses and stiletto heels, and look every bit as polished as Posh Spice.
I may not have David Beckham waiting for me at home, but I will be a hip & trendy Mom.
That is not an option.
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