Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sun Will Come Out...Tomorrow...

I am recovering at home and I've been off the blog circuit for a few days while I was hospitalized. While I'd like to say that I am just a big freakin' cup of sunshine right now, I'm more like a cold, dark cup of day old coffee at the moment, and I'm really not ready to discuss anything that's happened to me over the past few days, because truth be told, all I feel is like my whole world is overcast and gloomy.

The only consolation I have is that yesterday, I had my Mom at the hospital, as she has been everyday with me, and she made me feel much better when I've felt my worst. I had my "big sis" April at the hospital with me, also, and since I'm mentioning the high points of my day, I must say that she, too, had a very tough week, and still managed to walk into my hospital room clothed in super cute clothes and, of course, to die for ballet flats.

Her flats were leopard, and they were not only flattering and chic, they reminded me of something a celebrity would slip on her feet. Just having her there, made my day so much better, and when we gave each other a hug, and I cried, for her, and for both of us, I knew she understood.

Even though I'm still feeling a little somber, fashion seems to make my day, time and again.

The sun will come out tomorrow...



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